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Donde el color cobra vida

Home: Welcome

Sobre Nosotros

Servicio de Pintura Confiable

¿Busca un pintor confiable, orientado a los detalles y experimentado para iluminar su hogar o negocio?

¿No estás seguro de qué colores se adaptarán a tu estilo?

Con más de 20 de experiencia, ofrecemos tarifas razonables por trabajos de alta calidad.

Home: About
House Painting Tools

Nuestros Servicios

Home: Services

Pintura Residencial

Horizon Painting se enorgullece de nuestra profesionalidad y artesanía. Nos tomamos el tiempo necesario para preparar y proteger su propiedad como si fuera nuestra. . Puede contar con que seremos profesionales, oportunos, eficientes y nos aseguraremos de que esté satisfecho en cada paso del camino.


Consulta de Color

Ya sea que esté buscando simplemente refrescar su hogar o probar nuevas combinaciones de colores, Horizon Painting traerá nueva vida a su entorno.


Pintura Comercial

Horizon Painting se especializa en revitalizar apartamentos y espacios de oficinas. Para mantener a sus clientes interesados y felices a sus inquilinos, el exterior y el interior de su edificio deben ser acogedores y estar bien cuidados. Dale vida a tu propiedad con una nueva capa de pintura y haz que tu negocio brille.


Frank Meyers

Fall 2020

I highly recommend Horizon Painting who had painted the entire second floor of my house including four bedrooms ,a hallway leading downstairs, stairs and the front. hallway. They were efficient, the quality of their work was excellent and most importantly they cleaned up everything when they were done.They were a joy to have in my house and recommend them highly.

Home: Contact

Ponerte en Contacto

Gracias, nos pondremos en contacto pronto!


Frank Meyers

Fall 2020

I highly recommend Horizon Painting who had painted the entire second floor of my house including four bedrooms ,a hallway leading downstairs, stairs and the front. hallway. They were efficient, the quality of their work was excellent and most importantly they cleaned up everything when they were done.They were a joy to have in my house and recommend them highly.

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